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A member registered Jul 25, 2016

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Sadly, it looks like I won't get to play Ossuary. I tried changing the compatibility to Windows 8, reduce the resolution of the application, and disable high-DPI scaling effects (among other things), but nothing worked. It's unfortunate because it's clearly a clever game: I like the writing, the world-building, the weirdness, the mystery. And I got interested in the first place because Extra Credits introduced me to The Majesty of Colors

On the off-chance you ever remaster the game, I'd love to play it.

Thank you. This at least gives me some insight into what the problem may be along with some potential solutions. If I happen upon a fix, I'll let you know.

I'm as baffled as you are. I use Windows 10 and can't think of anything remarkable about my setup. My computer's a few years old, but it runs most games just fine. You're correct: I've restarted the program after adjusting the scaling settings, but the size of the program window doesn't change at all. 

I'm unable to get this game to fill the entire monitor screen. I've tried both window and full size view. I've tried auto scaling, 2x scaling and 6x scaling. No matter what, it occupies a small box in the middle of my screen, which makes it too difficult to enjoy playing.